Tag Archives: Real Simple

Random food photos


I take a lot of food photos with my phone, but I never realized how many until tonight. I needed to clear space on my memory card and discovered I had 5 months of food photos stored. So I’m finally putting them on the blog where they belong.

The top photo was taken at Uwajimaya, my favorite supermarket in Seattle. I couldn’t believe the name of this beverage. Who wants to drink sweat? What’s odder is that I showed photo to my friend Sarah, and she was like, “Oh yeah, Pocari Sweat. That stuff is good.”

Another pic taken at Uwajimaya. Even Japanese oven mitts and dish towels are cute!

What, pray tell, is a “microroast?” Coffee fetishism in Seattle knows no bounds.

Part of me thinks it’s really cool that Costco sells Dick’s milkshake mix. The other part of me wonders why someone would personally ever need to make that many milkshakes.

Ezell’s fried chicken is a special treat that I allow myself to eat about once every three years. It’s always good.

I would like to go on a tour of Molly Moon’s Homemade Ice Cream. Until then, I’ll just have to catch shots like this.

This spinach pizza was a late night desperation dinner. We didn’t have any food in the house except for a Boboli pizza crust, some spinach that was two seconds away from going bad and mozzarella cheese of questionable age. It turned out to be a pretty tasty pizza! Carmelized onion can right many wrongs.

Every grill romaine lettuce for a salad? I tried it for the first time this summer, and it brought a completely different flavor to the romaine. To let that shine through, I kept the salad pretty simple. I just added some artichoke hearts, cherry tomatoes, some parmesan cheese and a squeeze of lemon.
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I think the recipes for all of these dishes came from Real Simple magazine. Pesto, chickpeas and radishes was something I would have never thought to put together myself. And tossing couscous in brown butter was a revelation!

If I had to eat the beet salad at Fonte Coffee & Wine Bar every day for the rest of my life, I think I might be okay with that.

Does Whole Foods really have the best bacon in Seattle?

Geraldine’s Counter has pretty food. But on this visit, everything was woefully underseasoned. It’s amazing what salt–or lack of it–can do to a dish.

Every time I see this pinball game at Full Tilt Ice Cream in White Center, I think of Lindsay Lohan.


Filed under Ice cream, Savory, Sweet