A Jar of Gratitude

Around this time last year, I was practically bedridden because of a major knee injury, our housing situation was uncertain, and I wasn’t sure where my career was going. I was depressed, anxious, and worst of all, I felt stuck.

During this period, I noticed a lot of people on Facebook posting about gratitude jars. It was a simple idea: every day, write down things that you’re thankful for on slips of paper and put them in a jar.

I don’t know why, but something about this interested me. Stirred out of my torpor, I got a really big jar, and I committed to writing down three good things that happened each day. I would make it my New Year’s resolution and start January 1.

Shortly after I started this practice, an amazing thing happened. I was able to walk normally—without crutches or a cane. It wasn’t a miracle and largely due to my amazing physical therapist. However, once I started to focus on the positive aspects of my life, other big things started to happen. I got an amazing job offer. I went on an unexpected fabulous trip to Costa Rica. I started cooking again.

I have faithfully put three good things every day in my gratitude jar, and by the end of the year, I will have over 1,000 things that I’m grateful for in my jar.

On New Year’s Eve, I plan to literally count all of my blessings and read all of the good things that happened in the past year. Then I’ll get a new jar ready for 2014.

Today I’m living with my family in a new house, I have a great job, and I’m starting to run again.

I am grateful that I have much to eat and much to love.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Gratitude jar


Filed under Essays, Holidays, NaBloPoMo 2013

7 responses to “A Jar of Gratitude

  1. This is such a simple but wonderful idea! Happy Thanksgiving X

  2. This is amazing. Looking forward to when you unwrap your jar.

  3. Pingback: lamiki » Blog Archive » Writing Prompt: Thankful for

  4. Love this idea! I started a gratitude journal around this time last year but never kept up with it. When things around me are out in the open, I can’t help but ignore them. (Well, except for my dirty dishes. I really should do those tonight…) I’m going to find a jar and start this tonight!

    • Madeline Moy

      I had a gratitude journal too, but I was never consistent about it. There is something about physically seeing the jar. And watching it fill up is so cool. Even on my worst days, I could always come up with three good things.

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